Giveaway! Giveaway! Giveaway!

j-p-g:  Dualities (via Forrest Seas)  wacky waving inflatable flailing arm tube man~!


That got your attention 😀

I am doing a giveaway. A really cool one actually. Scratch out cool, and replace it with awesome please.

A couple of weeks ago the wonderful folks at contacted me and asked if I would be interested in a giveaway. After looking at their (many, many!) websites, I said “Of course!”. They have fabulous dinnerware sets, fitness and health products, toys and games and much, much, more. Later on in the post, I’ll tell ya whatcha need to be doing in order to win 🙂

Is the suspense killing you? Or are you already scrolling down to the bottom of the page like I would do in a giveaway to find out how to enter? 😉

Be patient, little grasshoppers. Let me first show you my boring food 😀

This morning I had a meeting with my advisor and my preceptor for my internship at the YMCA (yay!). I needed a quick and filling breakfast sooooo….

…waffles with pb&jam, a banana and coffee it was! (This is always my go-to filling/quick breafast) So easy and quick to make and BAM! I’m out the door!

All went well at the meeting, and after 30 minutes I was back out of the door heading to my nanny job. This is my last week being a nanny…and I still can’t quite believe it. I’ve been with the family for 4 years and tomorrow is my last day. It seems a bit surreal and scary at the same time.

I had to leave because of my school schedule this last semester, while I’m excited to start another path of my life…it seems sort of sad and nerve-wrecking to be moving forward into the unknown and unfamiliar. But it’s a journey none-the-less 😀 And journeys make me excited!

–Well, my computer is being ridiculous now (Windows 7 can be a pain) and I can no longer continue with my regular planned post! For some reason, my pics aren’t uploading and if they are, it’s at a snails pace. ARG. Let’s cut right to the chase, shall we?–

All you have to do to enter the contest is leave me a comment telling me what your favorite item/thing in your kitchen is!

I’ll go first!

My favorite item in my kitchen is (<–said like a second grader in front of class, that is shuffling her feet and looking at the ceiling instead of the audience) my coffee maker. Big surprise, right?

[Picture borrowed from Google]

It’s always there to make me fresh, hot coffee in the mornings. And sometimes, it even does it without me telling it to. It just wakes up and says “Hmmm, Stacey gets out of bed in about 10 minutes, why don’t I go ahead and start a fresh pot for her?” Isn’t that thoughtful? 😉 I loves it. And it cleans itself as well!

So now I’m interested in hearing your favorite thing that you have in your kitchen. Leave a comment telling me what it is and on Monday night I will pick a winner by using the Random Integer method.  The winner will receive a $40 gift card from CSN stores, and you will be able to use it in any one of their stores! Good luck!

See you guys this weekend 😀 [hopefully Windows 7 will get over his attitude problem by then]

19 Responses

  1. This may sound like it’s way out in left field, but I truly love this little wooden spoon I have. It may be simple, but I just love it to pieces. I mix everything with it I can find. It’s a smaller size (perfect for getting a good grip) and is chisled just right to make for stiring. I LOVE IT. Thanks for the giveaway!


    • That doesn’t sound weird at all! I’ve been looking for a wooden spoon, I think it may be my next kitchen buy 🙂 But, I can’t just buy any ol’ wooden spoon..these things take time, ya know 😉

      • Thanks for making me feel better about my perfect little wooden spoon! And I agree, this is why I love it so much, not every wooden spoon is useful! The funny thing is that I don’t even remember where I actually got it from. I know I didn’t buy it personally myself, I think it came in a little cooking assortment gift. But anyway, if I knew where to get another one of those little spoons, I would. Rachel

  2. My favorite kitchen item is my kitchen aid mixer! That thing is so amazing, but I really wish it would clean itself like your coffee maker! It’s a pain in the butt to clean!

  3. I agree with Amanda. My favorite kitchen item is my Kitchen Aide mixer also! My baking life has truly changed since I’ve gotten that little gem!!

    • Hi Niki!!!!
      A lot of people have commented about this Kitchenaide mixer thingie..I must look it up, I feel like I’m not with the ‘in’ crowd now for not having one, haha 😉

  4. My favorite kitchen item is a tie between my kitchen aid mixer and my cuisinart food processor – as I joked with my husband – the two reasons why I agreed to get married!

  5. Oh, my favorite thing in my kitchen is definitely my new toaster oven. I love it. I am so happy that I can once again make waffles and bagels and all sorts of melty concoctions!

    • Jaime, this may sound strange..but I DREAM of getting a toaster oven! I always have to stick frozen waffles and bread into my actual oven under Broil for them to thaw and cook…ugh. That’s going to be the first thing I buy when I get a bigger kitchen 😀

  6. Mmm, that looks like a yummy breakfast.

    My favorite thing is my cast iron dutch oven. Got it for my birthday last year and I LOVE it. It is great for so many things.

  7. Mine USED to be my food processor. But then I killed it. SO I bought another one. Then I killed that one too. So I promise that if I win, I will get another food processor, not kill it, and it will be my favorite kitchen appliance.

  8. Hey sis, you don’t have to put me in the mix to win, but I have two favorites. It appears I am not alone in being in love with my kitchenaid mixer and tied for that is my cappuchino machine mukka express by bialetti. Its a stove top kind that makes a terrific cuppa:)

    • Ok, apparantly everyone is in love with a thing called the kitchenaid mixer!! What the heck is it?! And you will need to make me a cuppa that cappuchino next time I come over please! 😉

      • Ok, I’m going to try to include a picture, but it’s the best mixer to mix anything, they have all these different type of attachments like a whisk, a flat one and some other ones. Got it one year for Christmas from my mom and have loved it ever since.

        Oh well, technically challenged. Can’t post a pic, but look it up on google. As to the cuppa, can’t wait for you to try it. So yummy!

  9. I love my colander! The thing is, I don’t actually use it for spaghetti. I put it over a large bowl then put my washed vegetables in it. That way, when I’m ready to chop them it’s all fairly dry and there’s no water that gets everywhere. I also use it to transfer chopped veggies to the pan or pot!

  10. One of my favorite kitchen appliances that I have is my belgian waffle maker. I’ve been using it like crazy lately! I add some protein powder to a waffle mix, and it’s so good!

  11. My favorite at the moment would have to be my blender. It’s perfect for my morning protein shakes and also comes in handy when I want a frozen drink after a long day at work (or school)

  12. Favorite thing is my stainless steel professional bar blender, used mostly for smoothies and protein shakes every single day.

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